Kamis, 02 September 2010

bestfriends or enemy?

i had a best friend before..she looks normal at first,
i dont believe when others told me,she is crazy as hell
from wat i see,she just a regular girl with a fragile personality
thats why i protect her most of the time,teach her to be more smart when u deal with boys,etc..
i close my ears from all the gossips bout her,coz i dont believe it..and i trust her
i even help her by giving advise to get the man she wants.
but things changing all of sudden,she shut me down..without explanation.
she just said "i had enough"..
she prove it that wat everyone talks behind her back is right
coz no normal person can do such thing..only the "saiko" one could.
well i mad,angry at first but I'm so glad i already off the hook now..
she is my enemy who pretend to be my best friend until she get wat she wants
yeahhh...finding a girl friend is not to easy when u are 25 up coz girls that ages only think about their relationship with their boyfriend.
maybe they think if they focus with their boyfriend so much,he gonna want to marry her..but guess wat..
"more time u be available for him,the more he got enough of u and wants to be free". its a nature of man.
and when he leave u,dont u dare crawling back to get my help,coz u just gonna do the stupid thing all over again,u never learn,i dont know coz u just too dumb or act dumb
but either way..being wrong one time still ok, two times its stupid but third times u are really an idiot
deal with it by yourself girl...coz next times i wont be around.

2 komentar:

Laetitia J mengatakan...

so im back on blogspot with a new blog

check it out and follow if you like it:D

cute blog btw!!

linda mengatakan...

love it!